Useful WebSites

Today, I am going to name some useful websites which will be very helpful to you must watch this full.

1.  10 minutes mail

It is a website which provides you a temporary email address which you can use anywhere and is valid for only 10 minutes. However, you can increase the validity from 10 minutes to more.

Any messages can be send by that random email address provided by that website. And any messages can be received by that email address. You must know about this website you are in a technical or software field.

2.  Meaningful Password Generator

It is a password generator which generates of password which is very easy to learn because it is made with English letters or words but still strong password because a number of random characters and symbols which numbers is used in it.

It is a very safe webpage and does not store any information about the history of the page at all. If not for password, you must take trial in that webpage to see how are the password made and whether they are strong or not.

3. Algorithmia 

It is an amazing website which convert a black and white image to the colourful ones. no matter how old are the photos it converts those photos to colourful photos.

Yes, this thing can be done in Photoshop also but it will take time while this website do this in a few seconds. It also show the comparison between the black and white photos and colourful ones. You must visit this website once.

4.  Memes Creator

Do you love seeing memes in Instagram or in social sites? What about creating Memes? By the help of this website you can create your own memes. What's your desirable photos and dialogues. This website also provide you some memes photo for trial.

You must try this website once. Specially if you love seeing memes. 😉

5.  URL shortner

Copying the address of web pages? But they have too long URL. and if you send it on WhatsApp or any other social site it seems too long but with the help of this website you can make the length of any URL short and this is dynamic you can use it anywhere you want.

You can take any website or webpage and paste its URL in in the website link given below and it will return you the link of the website which will be very shorter than the previous one. And that short URL can be used anywhere.

Personality Test

It is amazing website which tells you about your personality. The special thing about this website is that it is made by me!

The personality judgement of this web site is accurate to much extend. However, the information is copied from other websites.

Please also visit to this website and check your and your friends personality how they differ... ☺️


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